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Masterplan of the tractor plant territory development

Competition project

Where Russia, Volgograd
Team Misha Miterev, Elizaveta Mitereva
Year 2022

The concept of architectural and urban development of former tractor plant area in Volgograd involves the creation of a large urban structure within the established environment which combines a variety of social, cultural, and everyday components to ensure full and modern functioning of the newly created areas with its future development over the next decades taken into account. This project involves the creation of a territorial master plan, that allows to analyze and research tasks for the effective development of the site.
The project involves the creation of a new district structure based on the historical planning context, as well as the use of initial advantages of the territory and their further transformation into values. For example, the proximity to the river, long coastline, historical heritage and the existing transport system of Volgograd are important starting points to identify the prospective development potential of the territory.

Spatial development. Streets, passages, squares and alleys.

The direct location of the area nearby the coastline encourages the creation of a high-density road network along with the areas of common use and the organization of a maximum number of routes for the population to access the coastline. As a result, there is a need for cross-connections of alleys and passages to provide access to the embankment for pedestrians and to the Zero Highway for transport.
Longitudinal connections, which traditionally play an important role in ensuring the transport connectivity within Volgograd city, are performed as three highways: the existing Lenina Avenue and Tractorostroiteley street, and Zero Longitudinal Highway. Tractorostroiteley street connects with Lenina avenue near Spartanovka district. Zero Longitudinal Highway has the route, similar to the one, fixed in the Master Plan of Volgograd, and serves to play the important role in the transport development of the city. However, in order to meet the interests of all customer groups, a fragment of the highway is constructed as semi-underground system and provides easy access from residential blocks to the embankment. Also, it is proposed to create several longitudinal streets to provide effective traffic, accessibility of residential blocks and their proportionality. Dzerzhinskogo street got its visual continuation in Mira Boulevard up to the embankment.
The project contains the development of high-speed tram line from VGTZ station to Spartanovka station along Lenina avenue, with additional stations: Dzerzhinskogo Square and Kropotkinskaya. The diagonal "cross-street" Prospekt Truzhenikov is an essential part of the transport framework of the new district. Being accessible only for pedestrians and public transport, it connects VGTZ station and the university campus.
In addition to the pedestrian areas formed within the red lines of the streets, the project suggests the creation of transitional network system within the blocks, similar to the historical railway routes of industrial workshops in the plant territory to supplement the residential environment by creating additional internal spaces and increasing its accessibility and permeability. The system of public spaces is complemented by squares of various scales located at the intersections of the main pedestrian routes.
Blocks, buildings and recreational areas.

Preservation of the existing planning organization, as well as the realization of some lost planning decisions serve as the main thesis of new planning structure development of the district. The project provides effective organization of neighborhoods, proportional in size with different functional orientation. The aim is to create a blocks system, using different building typologies.
The blocks with maintained industrial development are in fact fully occupied by the buildings of the kind and have almost no free inner space inside, while the blocks with residential development have enough free space to provide landscape areas and the territories for other purpose.
Buildings for office and business development are located mainly in the geographical center of the district, due to the intersection of the main traffic and pedestrian flows, as well as to the creation of an attraction spot in the central part of the district, as socio-cultural spaces, such as public libraries, lecture halls and museums can be also located in the area. In addition, the project involves the development of a number of mixed-use blocks, where residential, educational and cultural institutions, as well as office and production facilities are located.
Preserved industrial buildings are supposed to be used for the accommodation of scientific and industrial sites, educational centers, co-working and entertainment spaces, because the unique industrial spatial solutions of this development can be effectively used for the development of the district and the city.
The green framework of the territory is formed by the areas of the following objects: an extended embankment along the river, the natural park "Volga Park", located in the floodplain of Mokraya Mechetka river, Mira boulevard and the system of public spaces, squares and pedestrian routes within the area.
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