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Reconstruction of the Museum des Beaux Arts in Lyon

Competition project.

Where France, Lyon
Team Misha Miterev, Elizaveta Mitereva
Year 2019
The space of cultural processes concentration.

The main objective of this project was to create a new, transformable exhibition space that would delicately integrate into the existing spatial structure of the building and extend functionality of the museum territory through adding new meanings and events. The structural roof allows guests to visit new spaces at any time and it also gives an opportunity to organize an accessible roof. The openness of the courtyard to the city should make it possible to have a different look at the structure of the museum and find new principles for the interaction of culture and the city.

The construction of the building began in 1659 as the convent, and since 1801 the palace has been occupied by the Museum of Fine Arts (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon) - the largest in Lyon and one of the largest in France. Middle right: fountain by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, author of the New York Statue of Liberty (opened in 1892). The fountain depicts a woman driving a chariot, harnessed with four horses.


extension internal

The task of the functional extension of the exposition space of the Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon gains more significance in regard to the possibility of spatial development of museums in the conditions of high density of urban development and rethinking of their functionality.
The research of current inclusion of the museum into the structure of urban area, the internal organization of its space, as well as potential directions for its development, have revealed high spatial value of the courtyard of the museum as a reserve for the formation of new exhibition and educational areas and the center of contact between people and art as well.
The construction density of street blocks in the central part of Lyon, as well as the desire to preserve the historical appearance of the museum and Place des Terreaux, became the starting data for the development of the museum space.
Together with almost unused overlapping area of the internal gallery, this situation creates an excellent opportunity for the courtyard reorganizing and creation of new exhibition and educational spaces.
A new need for spaces. Courtyard as an open urban public space.

Following the concept of multi-functional use of the area, we proposed the idea of integrating the functions of the public urban center into the structure of exhibition space, with the aim of filling the new space with more activities and events.
Open access to the museum courtyard for people and new exhibition and public spaces inside, it will make the integration of the museum function into urban life possible. The concentration of social ties in a given space and, as a result, the process of cultural interaction is considered to be the main goal of this concept.
The idea of an “open courtyard" is realized through the construction of several cross-cutting passages in the building at the levels of RDC E and Place des Terreaux, from three sides oriented to the street, in the current place of stores location.
This is the way to organize several open entrances to the territory of the courtyard, thereby including it in the general structure of urban public spaces.
A new frame. New structure for the contemporary art.

The main concept of the project is to create a new construction inside the rectangular volume of the museum, which can be used to exhibit pieces of the contemporary art, held meetings and lectures, make installations and arrange performances. The existing structure of the courtyard plan, as well as the size and location of the main paths, were taken as the basis.
This construction accommodates new exhibition and public spaces, educational areas, storage rooms for the exhibition, tickets office and reception area on the underground level. The courtyard becomes the interior of the museum due to the use of translucent coating. The entire space of the courtyard is covered by a tension system of a structural roof made of acrylic glass with rubber buffers and strips of neoprene.
Due to the stretched cable system, this solution allows to minimize the volume of steel structures of the roof covering, which will save the amount of natural light, penetrating into the yard.
The main objective of this project was to create a new, transformable exhibition space that would delicately integrate into the existing spatial structure of the building and extend functionality of the museum territory through adding new meanings and events. The structural roof allows guests to visit new spaces at any time and it also gives an opportunity to organize an accessible roof. The openness of the courtyard to the city should make it possible to have a different look at the structure of the museum and find new principles for the interaction of culture and the city.
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