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Masterplan of the central park territory development

Competition project

Where Russia, Murmansk
Team Misha Miterev, Elchin Akperov, Elizaveta Mitereva
Year 2020

Recreational areas are significant and social available territories in urban material with a high level of cultural activities.
The actual concept of a city park development is the creation of a buffer zone with public spaces.

Projecting territory of the park is the connecting element between different parts of Murmansk. On one hand, surrounding build-up areas have strength and active communication with existing pathways from north and south. Recreation space needs to e created for more variable use. On the other hand, eastern's landscape is linked to western's one by the territory's planting, creating unbroken green structure.
Together these giveness determine to a possible territorial capacity as a new local city center with revitalization of the recreational parking area. Project idea of the masterplan proposed the complex development of the park, including appearance and growth of social activities, following public demands. Project consists of 2 development stages.
Firstly, fundamental park environment types have been identified with its one characteristic for projecting. In general, 3 types of environment were underlined:

1. Urban park type - the most saturated areas, which are connected with urban territories. Entrances, commercial, administrative and recreational cultural activities, including squares, amphitheatres and pavilions.

2. Natural park type - the largest areas between urban and conservation park types which include grounds for activities and dog-walking ones, recreational spaces and playgrounds.

3. Conservation park type - area around the Varnichnoe lake. This territory is located in the center of the park, forming quite space for tranquility and relaxation.
The most careful integration of spaces is here.

The southern part of the park is the most eventful which includes main entrances, pavilions with the Museon of the Russian north, local library, co-working, commercial and administrative spaces.
The northern part has the limitation, because of the location of the power lines. So, there are entrances and the beautification of the paths.
The western part is the urban park type with all its activities, which is limited by the distance-heating pipe.
The eastern one is connected with the city's sport territory. As the reaction on surrounding, this part has ski track, football ground and skate park.
Secondly, sustainable urban (from north to south) and natural (from west to east) links are projected as advanced planning framework, forming the first stage of the project. It supplies the park with the paths and bridges as the base for all types of activities, for example the pedestrian links, bike lanes, skiing track and others. During this part of the project, the park is saturated with infrastructure, that is natural continuation of the existing communication system.
The second stage is the function filling of the park. Well-developed infrastructure becomes the general base for spaces arriving with its own function, size and volume (grounds for activities, for children, recreational territories, city's squares, amphitheatres and pavilions). Projected idea doesn't exclude the possibility of space's reallocation, inside the limits of chosen park type, according to actual necessities.
The park paths are divided into three types, according the hierarchy of the potential in demand:

1. Major pathways. The widest type with paving of pathways. Sometimes they are turning into the pedestrian bridges, made from wooden constructions. These bridges allow people to avoid difficulties with the snow and the relief.
2. Minor pathways designed as a paving and wooden tracks. Most of them are connected different spaces in the natural park type.
3. Eco tracks are made of wood or granite crumbs, and they are connecting recreational spaces for a quiet rest between other parking types.
The functional filling of the space is the demonstration of one of the most saturated vision of the park's development, entailing the variety possibilities of the concept.
Fragments of public spaces

1. Public embankment
2. Amphitheater
3. Entranse square
Recreational areas are significant and social available territories in urban material with a high level of cultural activities. The actual concept of a city park development is the creation of a buffer zone with public spaces. Projecting territory of the park is the connecting element between different parts of Murmansk.

On one hand, surrounding build-up areas have strength and active communication with existing pathways from north and south. Recreation space needs to e created for more variable use. On the other hand, eastern's landscape is linked to western's one by the territory's planting, creating unbroken green structure. Together these giveness determine to a possible territorial capacity as a new local city center with revitalization of the recreational parking area.

Project idea of the masterplan proposed the complex development of the park, including appearance and growth of social activities, following public demands.
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